VRBA - Intuit
Intuit is a track produced by VRBA off the debut label release, Willow Scythe. This was a commission to create and produce a full length 3D animated music video for the artist. It was released with Fact Magazine on April 16, 2021 with TT Label.
It is 3 min 37 seconds long.
“Pittsburgh producer VRBA has joined forces with 3D artist and designer Adrienne Cassel for the visual accompaniment to ‘intuit’, a track taken from the producer’s debut label release, Willow Scythe. “Distinguished by an unparalleled sense of space, VRBA’s production moves fearlessly across sonic thresholds,” writes London label TT. “The album moves quickly between warped choruses and obscured sonic hazes punctuated with spongy drums.” On ‘intuit’, a cold and cavernous sonic world plays host to creeping bass, crunchy, tactile sound design and skittering alien percussion, immediately enveloping and overwhelming the listener. Adrienne Cassel runs with this theme, plunging a glitched-out avatar into an infinite vacuum to be bathed in waves of live electricity, imbuing the being with transformative power and bringing about strange, body-altering mutations. Illustrating the tension between the corporeal and the intangible that permeates VRBA’s productions, Cassel illuminates the audio landscape into which we are plunged, weaving an abstract narrative of energy exchange and transmutation. As the album’s title suggests, both artists seek to create something sharp and focused from intricate and fragile source material.” - Fact Magazine, April 16, 2021
Read here for Fact Magazine’s complete writeup.
Role: Creative Director, Storyboard Artist, 3D Modeler, Animator, Character Designer, Environment Designer, Texturing Artist
Description: The prompt was to create a full length 3D animated music video with a general concept by the artist. The foundations for this piece included creating a custom avatar designed with the artists likeness, and environment design reminiscent of liminal spaces with a retro feel, and a bespoke lighting rig that allowed for custom animation.
Tools Used: Blender, Zbrush, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, Sketching