Avatar Lilith
Link to websiteAvatar Lilith at the Digital Seam, 3D Animation, 2023
Avatar Lilith is an ongoing performance piece, research tool, and artist persona. Since 2018, I’ve been performing as my digital avatar, Avatar Lilith, crafting speculative worlds through audiovisual performance art. The material relationship between my body and my avatar serves as a tool to reject linear and binary logic systems, allowing me to exist in multiple places at once. Through this conceptual framework and my material multiplicities, I aim to resist the algorithmic flattening incentivized by late-stage surveillance capitalism.
3D Modeling, Animation, Character Design, Texturing, Storyboarding, Creative Concepting, Writing, 3D Development, Interactivity, Sound, Performance
Tools used:
Unreal Engine, Unity, OSC, C#, Javascript, Microsoft Kinect, Blender, Zbrush, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, Sketching, Procreate
Description: Through using Unity’s game engine and Microsoft’s Kinect depth sensor, a DIY motion-capture rig was made to be able to control Avatar Lilith’s body and facial movements in real-time detection.
See Avatar Lilith’s performances here