
portfolio  |  2D  3D  XR  reel      


: a technologically-driven, idealized vision of an alternative reality 

POSTVIVO is a digitally mediated performance art trio combining generative audio, projection mapped visuals, live motion capture, machine learning, and dynamic costuming.

collaboration between Adrienne Cassel, Samir Gangwani, and Ai Markus 

branding, flyers, tshirts, stickers, and event posters designed with mixed digital media




Hodgepodge Series, 2019 - ongoing

a confused mixture

a bi-monthly showcase of local and touring Pittbsurgh artists and performers. Curated and organized by artist Samir Gangwani.
hodgepodge series posters & promotional material created and designed in Indesign, Procreate, and Photoshop.

Images of posters & promo created for Hodgepodge series events in 2019 - 2020